Okay, so my love for Trilby's is immense, actually, I kind of have a massive love for all hats, but there's a special place in my heart for Trilby's. How can people NOT love them? Well, I guess if you don't have a hat face, but I do, so it's okay.
- Please, make sure to think man-style when wearing a Trilby. Wide-legged trousers, with a high waist, not a dress or a summery frock, no. That's for bowler hats and wide-brimmed hats.
- keep your hair down and wavy, or in a plait on one side.
- Don't wear two plaits unless you want to look like a country-bumkin.
- Keep it fresh with a button up shirt, that is still open at the top and a slouchy cardigan or a blazer.
- I find that no matter what, wear a trilby with brogues/oxfords, but you can throw in a heel.
- Keep eye-makeup simple, because going too thick, with the shadow of the hat can make your eyes look small
- Go with a bold colour of lipstick, though, but that's the same with all hat.
- Keep a series of bold coloured Trilby's, too, for while having a staple colour like black or brown, go for a bright red or blue for that pop of colour!
This is good advice, and I love the hat. I'm not sure, but I suspect that I might not have a "hat face". I don't know... do I
--Megan//The Martian Tide
Good post,tweeted your tips and advice.